Ratio - 3:1
Pot Life - 60 minutes at 25°C
Food Safe - Once Cured
Heat Resistant - Up-to 100°C
How to mix Hakson's Ultra Clear Resin with Hardner?
Always start your project with an estimate of how much material you will use. Use the resin calculator by BohriAli to estimate this, with reference to the shape and thickness of your pour. If it is an irregular shape, make it into the closest geometrical shape for the estimate.
Use a weighing scale to mix the resin and hardener in 3:1 ratio by weight and mix vigorously to form a homogeneous liquid. Scrape the sides of the container to make sure the resin from the sides has mixed well with the hardener. Pour resin in the centre and spread outward with a stick. Once poured on a flat surface, you’ll get a work time of about 2 hours, subject to weather and amount of resin used.
Once you’ve poured the resin, make sure you keep it in a dust free environment with less or no movement. The surface will be tack free in 6-8 hours and fully cured in 24 hours. You can pour a second layer after it is tack free. You can add pigments along with step 2 to the mixture and pour into different mugs.
Epoxy resin is all about control. If you let the Haksons Ultra Clear sit for about 60 minutes, it'll become slightly thicker which will give you very good control. As you keep it for longer, you will get better control and lacing.
PRO TIP: To achieve the desired thicker consistency needed for projects like Geodes, allow the Resin and Hardener to rest for 40-60 minutes before pouring. Remember, resin cures faster when larger quantities are mixed, so carefully monitor the mixture and pour once you are satisfied with the consistency.
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